Original Artwork (Instagram)

NFT (OpenSea)

20,21 – Venti,Ventuno on Amazon (book-ITA)

Un anno intero (2021) del feed Instagram “aziendale”, creato mese per mese dallo staff (1920px * 39340px). Ogni mese ha diversi messaggi in codice o segreti. Il feed racconta l’anno successivo dell’esplosione pandemica, il 2021, visto dall’Italia: l’azienda N3 ha sede a Codogno (Italia), dove purtroppo è stato individuato il paziente “1”.


A full year (2021) of the Company Instagram feed, created month by month by the company’s staff (1920px * 39340px). Each month has different coded or secret messages. The feed told the following year, seen from Italy, about the pandemic: the N3 company is based in Codogno (Italy), where unfortunately “Patient One” was identified.

